Friday, February 12, 2010


Snow is a beautiful blanket that covers all the earth and gives everything a sense of renewal. I do love watching the snow and seeing how it covers everything and adds a bit of wonder to the world outside. It is like the sparkle in my "sparkle powder" the same way that powder illuminates the face and body, the snow magically transforms my world outside to this beautiful, clean, fresh...winter wonderland. I love how the ice sticks to the branches of trees and they seem to glow in the moonlight.
I was speaking with my grandma today, telling her that I was NOT excited about the snow that was falling...and she said to me, "Kasey, enjoy this beautiful gift that God has given you". So you know what? I am going to. Thank you Grandma, for always being an inspiration to me and always being "my silver lining".
What a beautiful gift indeed that God has given us. Enjoy my friends!