Saturday, November 14, 2009


You know, I saw this somewhere the other day and can't remember where...but someone had posed the question, "When people tell me they are praying for me, I wonder if they really mean it or if they are just saying it." Hmmm...what an interesting notion. How many times have we told someone that we were going to pray for them and not remembered to do it? I will admit, yes, I have been guilty of it in the past. However, these days it seems that there are so many folks out there that have prayer requests...and honestly...what keeps me in check is my kiddos. I want them to pray, I want them to think of others. Each morning and evening we say our prayers, and sometimes in the car too. I will mention family members who need prayer and also friends that need prayer...and sometimes, I don't even know the person directly...but have been asked to pray for them. My children will sometimes ask me after the prayer...who is so-n-so? And I will tell them, oh, that's so-n-so's friend or mother...or neighbor...whomever. Nowadays, they will join in with names of the people they want to pray for and it is such a delight! It warms my heart that my sweet ones are learning to communicate with their Heavenly Father, and to have that relationship that the Lord covets with us...and I have grown to covet with Him. I pray that my children will never forget these moments and this special communication we/they have with God. What a wonderful thing prayer is! I would like to share a verse from the Bible with you on this very subject:
Phillipians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus".
Enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend, dear friends!
xoxo -


shannon said...

Inspiring post. I am working on praying with my little ones more!

-joy said...

Oh, Kasey, I'm so glad you told me you had a blog!

I agree about the thing with people telling you they are praying for you. I now say to someone, "I commit to praying for you". That way they know I'm serious and I won't forget since I made that promise.
Great post!
Thanks. I will be a regular reader now.

Kasey said...

Thanks, Ladies! Joy - I like the "commit" word...I may start using that too. :)